sábado, 4 de julho de 2009


Mantenho a respiraçao ao ritmo do ecra.
Estar vegetativo na horizontal permite chegar ao estado de alienaçao necessário para fugir ao deserto.
Sons, cores, vozes, musicas, movimentos, anuncios, noticias,
Vou dar a tal volta, e o corpo agradece.
Os pulmoes libertam-se e o ar quase que parece puro
Dás mais uma volta e voltas para principio
Nunca pensas.te sequer no fim
Tao espesso

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Not always we become light as feathers grasp the surrounding sky's. For what beauty brings imagining, stands for the hole we carved deep in ones heart, in the sole memory of unforguivness of self.
Portraits that cast shade on our soul(s) drawn by the ghost spirit of everlasting life, but to wich we cannot look but subjectively, avoiding the entrapment of shape or apparent. In the dark break of day and fall of night, in the most splendorous sunshine burning skies, turning to scars in our eyes for its impecable unreachingness, as smooth as it sugests that in the dark there are only some to many forms of life, for a single one, only, to be given the promise of light.