domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008

even though it may be sad
most times its true

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008


It's true. Your fears do not let you do anything. The fear of being rejected above all. But you get it from the moment you are born. If you have a bad past experience, you tend to learn from it. Isn't that what they call experience?

John Nash was a genius. He managed to put into some formulas the theorem that above all our decisions are not based on the wisest decision, which would guide us above all the other secondary options, but that everyone tends to influence everyone, and everyone knows that everyone will fight for his/her best interests. It's a very simple thought but to translate it into maths, well he had to invent a kind of game for people to play. But where else to measure people's tendencies, decision-making, thoughtfulness?
It's never a one-way decision, because we know all other agents will act in their own best interests. If I do this, then he will do that, because he knows I might then do this, or have done that, etc, etc... Not very different from chess really. The chess reality. The notion that we are not all dumb, and that you can be taught everything, but most teachings tend to think that you can learn to be better than the person next to you. Well, I doubt it. Dedication and work might get you closer to your aims but. Focus inclusive.

Somehow this fear and experience and John Nash's theory are all related. 'Cause they all tend to influence decision-making, reality, present, future, distances, all those paths that these concepts lead up to, until they crash into the ever-expanding universe.

Youth, honey, freedom, lightness, oh, how I long for an everlasting peaceful moment (not death), that would guide me into the colours of a beautiful sunset. I'll keep dreaming but.

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008

"O subdesenvolvimento não é, como muitos pensam equivocadamente, insuficiência ou ausência de desenvolvimento. O subdesenvolvimento é um produto ou um subproduto do desenvolvimento, uma derivação inevitável da exploração econômica colonial ou neocolonial, que continua se exercendo sobre diversas regiões do planeta".

"Mais grave ainda que a fome aguda e total, devido às suas repercussões sociais e econômicas, é o fenômeno da fome crônica ou parcial, que corrói silenciosamente inúmeras populações do mundo".

"Sou um homem interessado no espetáculo do mundo"

Josué de Castro

What is Comunism this days?

Is it there?
Does it exist?
Who is it?