quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2007

Blood sucker let me suck my thumb

*Please insert your headphones mid-tone and try to sing along*
Isn´t it so fun to be
Lost inside your own belives
Chewing your new bubble gum
Spit it out when taste gets week
Left get´s Right when Right just Left.
What´s our final destiny?
See our roots digging out in the dirt.
Makes you wonder what rains in your world...
*Please tune to Heavy Metal mode*
Blood sucker let me suck my thumb, the way you´re turning us ain´t making you any young.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Ouve lá isto é para um gajo ouvir ?

Anônimo disse...

yeap. Nao ouves a melodia?